Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Updates!!!


   I reached 80 hours on my project! *opens so many confetti poppers*  This is very exciting, because I still have so much left to do!  I'm definitely going over in terms of time.

  I'm still looking for more places to present, in fact.  Yesterday I actually did a presentation to a fourth-grade Junior Troop in my area.

They were very interactive and surprisingly knew a lot about trees!  It was very interesting to me to hear all of their comments and questions.

They were so cute. ^.^
Some of them kept asking if the burs were alive or just "porcupines," and they were really interested in how scientists gave the American Chestnut trees a "flu shot" to help them become blight resistant.  (That comment was on account of the fact that I referred to their method of creating blight resistance as something very similar to getting a shot of some kind.)

In other news, I know my project will be done hopefully before the end of October.  It's a long month, and I need presentation hours (about 5 more),  but I think I can manage. Rest assured, I definitely will be receiving this award this upcoming June.

I'm very, very proud and excited.  Let's see where the upcoming weeks go! 

1 comment:

  1. Good to see a couple of American Chestnut Trees planted!!! Keep up the excellent work! Regards, Robert M. Alvey, P.G.
