Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Updates!!!


   I reached 80 hours on my project! *opens so many confetti poppers*  This is very exciting, because I still have so much left to do!  I'm definitely going over in terms of time.

  I'm still looking for more places to present, in fact.  Yesterday I actually did a presentation to a fourth-grade Junior Troop in my area.

They were very interactive and surprisingly knew a lot about trees!  It was very interesting to me to hear all of their comments and questions.

They were so cute. ^.^
Some of them kept asking if the burs were alive or just "porcupines," and they were really interested in how scientists gave the American Chestnut trees a "flu shot" to help them become blight resistant.  (That comment was on account of the fact that I referred to their method of creating blight resistance as something very similar to getting a shot of some kind.)

In other news, I know my project will be done hopefully before the end of October.  It's a long month, and I need presentation hours (about 5 more),  but I think I can manage. Rest assured, I definitely will be receiving this award this upcoming June.

I'm very, very proud and excited.  Let's see where the upcoming weeks go! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


   Well, I started my senior year this past week... Which means I'm in my last lap both at high school and for my Gold Award. In fact, I'm almost done! My projected completion date is around Halloween when I'm going to plant my trees.  ^.^ It's going to be an exciting few months between college applications and fun activities.. I'm looking forward to it!

  I have handled a few presentations, and I'm working on organizing more.  In the meantime I've been keeping a close eye on my trees.
Me presenting to a School-Age group at a local daycare

  If you may recall, in July I wrapped one of my saplings because it was not looking very well at all.
  Well I have good news!!

Look how much bigger it has gotten! 

It has new growths on the very top and is starting to bud in a few more places... I'm confident that it should grow to be a bit larger, maybe even taller than I am!
I'm hoping that this will happen with another one of my saplings.  I had mud-packed it earlier today because it is not looking very well at all.  It seems as though it's trying to grow (it has plenty of budding leaves on it), but it does not have the strength or ability to do so.

  Judging by how well this sapling is doing I'm thinking that the one I just wrapped will improve in state. :-)

Get Well Soon!