Sunday, October 25, 2015

This is The End

So... I think I can officially say I'm done with the project part of the Gold Award.  I have the hours, I have the presentation time, and my trees are planted!!!  Within the past month especially, a lot has been going on.  I had about 8 hours of time spent talking to groups, final preparations for my trees were carried out, and I got them into the ground.

   It was difficult to actually find a place in the GCBS that was appropriate for them, but I did find a place eventually.

It was a four day process over two weeks:
Day 1-  I found a place for me to plant the trees. (no pictures of that day since it was just walking around)
Day 2-  I dug up any weeds to prep the ground and made two holes: one for my American Chestnut tree and the other for a Chinese Chestnut.

Day 3- I planted the trees!! yay~

Day 4- I built, with the help of both my parents, a stone wall around the area.  And it's done!

  May they survive the upcoming winter months, please.  I hope for the best.  XD

  On another note, I did a lot of presenting... It's safe to say all of that stuff is out of the way now, and I have all the necessary requirements to submit my final report.  

  This won't be my last post since I plan to grow seedlings over the winter, but it may be the last post on my project's progress.  That being said, thank you for joining me on that journey!  All the support is much appreciated! 

- Elena

P.S.- Here a just a few pictures of me presenting. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More Updates!!!


   I reached 80 hours on my project! *opens so many confetti poppers*  This is very exciting, because I still have so much left to do!  I'm definitely going over in terms of time.

  I'm still looking for more places to present, in fact.  Yesterday I actually did a presentation to a fourth-grade Junior Troop in my area.

They were very interactive and surprisingly knew a lot about trees!  It was very interesting to me to hear all of their comments and questions.

They were so cute. ^.^
Some of them kept asking if the burs were alive or just "porcupines," and they were really interested in how scientists gave the American Chestnut trees a "flu shot" to help them become blight resistant.  (That comment was on account of the fact that I referred to their method of creating blight resistance as something very similar to getting a shot of some kind.)

In other news, I know my project will be done hopefully before the end of October.  It's a long month, and I need presentation hours (about 5 more),  but I think I can manage. Rest assured, I definitely will be receiving this award this upcoming June.

I'm very, very proud and excited.  Let's see where the upcoming weeks go! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


   Well, I started my senior year this past week... Which means I'm in my last lap both at high school and for my Gold Award. In fact, I'm almost done! My projected completion date is around Halloween when I'm going to plant my trees.  ^.^ It's going to be an exciting few months between college applications and fun activities.. I'm looking forward to it!

  I have handled a few presentations, and I'm working on organizing more.  In the meantime I've been keeping a close eye on my trees.
Me presenting to a School-Age group at a local daycare

  If you may recall, in July I wrapped one of my saplings because it was not looking very well at all.
  Well I have good news!!

Look how much bigger it has gotten! 

It has new growths on the very top and is starting to bud in a few more places... I'm confident that it should grow to be a bit larger, maybe even taller than I am!
I'm hoping that this will happen with another one of my saplings.  I had mud-packed it earlier today because it is not looking very well at all.  It seems as though it's trying to grow (it has plenty of budding leaves on it), but it does not have the strength or ability to do so.

  Judging by how well this sapling is doing I'm thinking that the one I just wrapped will improve in state. :-)

Get Well Soon!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Good and The Bad

The Good:

   I checked my saplings and noticed that the one which I had wrapped was showing slight signs of improvement.  On certain areas of the tree, new leaves are appearing and don't seem to be curling like some of the other leaves on the plant.  This makes me hopeful that this damp soil compression method is doing what it is supposed to in helping the sapling!

The Bad: 

   The American Chestnut Research and Restoration page on Facebook (link) uploaded a picture recently about a certain Anti-GM group that is rallying to go destroy genetically engineered (GE) Chestnut, Eucalyptus, and Poplars. :-(  This fear of them "ruining our ecosystem" seems a bit old fashioned to me, and if anything, these trees are saving our environment not hurting it.  Geeze... Not all GMOs are bad.

Friday, July 31, 2015


Uh-oh is right...

I was checking out one of my saplings this morning when my mom pointed out to me that its leaves were curling.

Immediately concerned, I started to look more closely at it until another thing was brought to my attention.

From what I could make out, it seems as though this sapling may have caught the chestnut blight.  On its little trunk (which is no more that half an inch thick) there is a small streak of that oh-so-familiar rust color.  At first I was a bit confused.  I was convinced that only more mature trees could contract the blight, but I never ruled it out as something that could happen to my saplings.

And of course it happened.

   The blight isn't very visible and the wound is still relatively small, but I still wanted to take action to slow the process as much as possible.

I was then sent to this page.

That's when I got the idea to use the Soil Compress Method.
I took two plastic cups, soil, water, and Gorilla tape and went to making my structure.

I cut the bottoms off of the cups, cut slits in side so that they would go onto the sapling, and then I taped them in place.  I then filled the structure with tightly packed soil and moistened it with water.
The whole thing itself is pretty sturdy, and can also function as a support for the tree.

Hopefully this will work to slow the blight from killing the sapling.  I can hope that it will do something, but in the meantime I will keep watch.

   On another note, my seedlings aren't looking too good.  I'm pretty sure most, if not all of them, have sustained too much damage from the sun.  It's pretty upsetting.  However, I'm going to grow more seeds over the winter inside my house.  Hopefully those will survive longer.

Talk to you all again soon!

Recent Activity

   Just to show that I've actually been doing some face-to-face time, I went to the Tanners Pond Environmental Center to give a presentation to NCC students.  On the topic of climate change and invasive species, I gave them my talk which needs some work  and received pretty positive feedback.  Stuff like that really reassures me that what I'm doing actually is interesting to people other than those involved in this project. haha

Now that I've actually done a couple of presentations, this past one with the Learning Box (it has a bunch of AC materials in it such as wood samples, maps, spurs, and nuts), I know that I need a better formulated curriculum ... Especially since my communication skills are a bit meh. Developing lesson plans and things of that variety would be very helpful.  I should be able to do those things with a little guidance and everything should run smoother. :-)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


   I'm just going to get right to the point and say that a lot has happened and I've been very neglectful of doing these blog posts.

  Recently, my "sticks" have been doing quite well.  Only two have leaves so I have basically resorted to assume that the remaining ones which have not grown leaves are dead. :-(  Yet while I was partly unsuccessful in the "stick" department, my seedlings (all seven of them) have sprouted and have little leaves of their own.  They're doing pretty well, but I need to move them out of the sun more.  Some of their leaves are damaged and browning. 3: Other than that, they are pretty healthy and well-watered.

   On another note, I have done some interactive research that was very successful.  My mother and I ventured up to Syracuse for New York's 22nd ReLeaf Conference, the key topic of which was the American Chestnut tree.

I took plenty of notes, believe me, and I learned quite a bit about how SUNY ESF is producing blight resistant chestnut trees.  Using transgenics, the scientists working on this endeavor (such Dr. William Powell and Dr. Charles Maynard) have been implanting an enzyme called oxalate into the genome of the American Chestnut tree.  Oxalate is not a pesticide, it is a naturally occurring enzyme which we can find in foods we eat such as strawberries.  (Talk about using GMOs for good...)  It also is resistant to the chestnut blight; so by adding more of it to a tree they increase the tree's resistance to the blight.  Fascinating, right?

  After they implant the gene the must put the tree embryos through several stages: establish, multiply, root, and acclimatize.  

1. Establish

The embryos are grown on petri dishes, essentially.

2. Multiply

Only 1 or 2 out of the thousands they produce actually thrive to create more resistant embryos which they can use!  

3. Root

Some of the embryos, kept in a special medium, will develop roots and be planted.

4. Acclimatize

After rooting and being planted, the "seedlings" will be transferred to special areas in which they will be kept until the have developed enough to be placed in the field. 

Here are the surviving acclimatized trees in a greenhouse

After hearing several great talks, I went to go speak to a researcher at the school with whom I had been in contact with.  Unfortunately she was not there when I went to look for her.  Me being me, I was very hesitant to look else where, but my mother insisted that we at least check the greenhouses to see if there would be someone there who would be willing to help us.  Nervous as I was, we did, and we actually met a woman who was very enthusiastic to help us out.  Her name was Jaclyn Boylan, and (what luck!) she is the current caretaker of the planting grounds where the school is keeping their trees.

   She led my mother and me there.  I recall her saying that the whole plot was about 40 acres of land, all in which are 4 arboretums and research facilities, as well as her house and, of course, the chestnut trees!  The plots of land on which they were planted were surrounded by these HUGE 8-feet tall fences, or "deer fences," as she called them.  Within them the trees were planted neatly.  There were tall ones, small ones, babies, and not.
It was amazing to see what my "stick" and seedlings may one day become.  

Saplings with either stick supports or wrappings. 

Not to mention, I learned a bit on how to care for the trees as they grow.  

I now know that my saplings should either get some form of support, either from a "cone" structure or a stick support so that they will grow upright. 

These ones are about the size of my seedlings. :3

I also have learned that the seedlings should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Additional fencing may also be required to keep the smaller critters, such as bunnies or squirrels, from eating them.

Mrs Boylan told us that it wasn't long ago that a deer actually got into one of the areas... Yikes!

This was all extremely fascinating, BUT I think the highlight of the area was this:

That, my friends, is an adult American Chestnut tree.  I'd say it was about 20-30ft tall and look...


I got slightly too excited, haha.  I was amazed at the mere sight of it and overwhelmed by the thought that one day I may help to grow something that large and magnificent.

There was a downside to this, though.  As if it weren't obvious enough, the tree had a HUGE canker in its side from the blight. :C 

It ate almost all the way through the tree to the opposite side, and looking up you could see that it was cutting off the nutrients to the branches above.  Many of them were dead and the distinct rusty color of the bight was present on them.
The tree is sad too. (Can you see the ":-(" face?)


 Although that was pretty sad, the experience itself was very cool, and I am extremely grateful that I had that opportunity.  

  I hope to use the information I've learned in my presentations, and expand my outreach ... I have, after all, found some possible people to contact! 

  Anyways, I'll keep in touch!


Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Stick Nursery

 Okay, so I'm now going to start referring to my collection of saplings and seeds as my Stick Nursery.

 Why you may ask?

  Well, you see my mom and my adviser gave me saplings.  These saplings, however, were kept in dark and cold storage areas... And they were asleep when we received them.  By asleep, I mean they were literally sticks with roots; so we now have these sticks planted in their giant orange buckets (which I drilled holes in for drainage) and seated on the deck in my backyard.

 They do not have leaves yet.
 It just looks like we decided to plant sticks in dirt upright and water them.

 Yeah, I feel really weird about it but we have trees, at least!

 In fact, one of the saplings is budding and showing green on it already.  Hopefully they will get more soon. ;-)

Thursday, May 28, 2015


47.5/80 (more than half-way there!!)


     Guess who just obtained and planted her American Chestnut seeds??!?  

     If you guessed me then you are 110% correct! :3

     My project advisor sent me the seeds that he had earlier purchased for this project in the mail; so, I received them yesterday and planted them today!! I'm very, very excited!  This is essentially the one of the highlights of my project as of right now haha

    I followed some instructions on the proper planting and care of the seeds.  I put them in potting soil in decent sized pots, put them around 2-3 inches below the surface, covered them and intend to keep them in some sunlight (since they cannot be placed in direct sunlight at all times...  Otherwise they'll get roasted... Get it? )  

Here they are!

The little cages we are putting around the pots are to keep squirrels and other little critters away from eating the seeds (they aren't very easy to get, as you now know!).  Those aren't the finished ones- the finished ones look like this:

We basically just wrapped the other skeleton structures with chicken wire.  Hopefully that will be effective enough at keeping little animals from eating them!!

   Anyways, this is a huge step in making progress on the action part of my project. I plan to organize more presentations... I just hope that can be done before and after finals.

Talk to you guys again soon!

Saturday, May 16, 2015



  • I had my first presentation earlier this week!!  It was for my school's STEAM Expo, and it was pretty okay.  I really need on talking to people about this... I feel as though I was a little embarrassed. haha
  • I'm still waiting to hear about these trees... But that's okay? I guess?
   Okay!  So AP exams are now over, and I feel pretty great since that stress is not in my life any more!  Not much has been going on with me. I've been getting outside a whole bunch, and spring is definitely in the air!  So is pollen... and my ever growing desire for school to be over. 

    I plan to email my advisor again for a heads up, but other than that not much else has been going on other than the fact that I have gotten in one presentation.  Exciting!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Keep it Going, Keep it Flowing!

I really need to check my hours list uhhhhhh


  • Nothing new, really.  I have a meeting with my Gold Award Advisor tomorrow, Friday, in the first time in what seems like forever.  
  • Things will clear up!
     So, last Saturday I had an interview at the American Museum of Natural History for he possibility of having an internship there over the summer... Very exciting!  All went well, I brought my mother, younger sister, and best friend with me, and we walked around the museum afterwards.  First of all, we went to their temporary exhibit about natural disasters which I loved! I've always been extremely interested in that kind of stuff.  However, later on while we were wondering, we came to the section about North American forests, and I, in all my nerdy-glory, got very excited and looked everywhere for a section on the American Chestnut trees!  I read every plaque and placement at the exhibits, looking in the windows...

     And I found nothing. I don't even think I found a single mention of the trees! I saw mentions of the American Elm and other Chestnut variations, but not the American Chestnut! :-(  I was actually pretty upset by this haha.  Just thought I'd bring this up. 

    Talk to you guys soon!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015




  • I just returned from my Easter break which I spent in Italy... I have quite a few stories from that trip. haha Yet I unfortunately had no internet, or very little internet.  Needless to say not much work got done at all in that time.  Even before the break I really did not have time to work on this- between my school play, SATs, ACTs, and various other projects; however, since getting home on Saturday I've done a sufficient amount of work on this.
  • Working on my curriculum and I plan to email a few people within this week to see about setting up presentations! 
  • I got offered by my advisor to speak with a woman about my Gold Award for my local newspaper... So exciting! I'm hoping that goes through! :3
  • Since receiving a donation from the bird sanctuary, I will have to do less fundraising to obtain the trees (which I don't mind a bit)... Now all that I have left to do is get a supplier!
     Alrighty!! All things considered, my project really is going very well. As soon as I purchase trees and start presenting, I'll really have this process almost, if not completely, underway.  My only problem is that I've hit quite a few road bumps, and, if you haven't already noticed, I've been very busy and unable to keep up with this.  Not to mention, the weather here in NY hasn't been so great either.  I feel like it's only now just starting to feel like spring!  You know that feeling, right? I think people call it "spring fever." I just want to be outside everyday doing stuff instead of being cooped up indoors like I have been almost all winter!

     Now that I know I'm most likely going to have trees and start speaking about my curriculum by next month, June at the latest, (and because of the events in my school which are signifying the end of the year) I'm starting to become very excited for this summer.

     In other news, I plan to post my curriculum up here, and I feel like I've mentioned this before, for you guys to look at it and maybe even make suggestions.  I'm looking to show it to a few of my local Girl Scout troops, Boy Scouts maybe, even at my school or my younger sister's elementary school. 

     Again, sorry for being so inactive.  Entries should start to spring up more often now. ;-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



  • Everything has been super busy lately, between all the work in school I've been receiving, the school play, and SATs.  I haven't really had time to do much work on this because my mind has been otherwise occupied.   I certainly will go full-speed ahead after this week is over, I hope. 
  • My goal as of now is to get information and start raising to buy the trees and/or saplings.  I'll call Mr Nardone hopefully tomorrow, and send an email to the ACF guy.
  • My curriculum needs a few touch-ups and information sheets, then I should be good to go in terms of talking to people and getting the word out about my project. I'll probably make a worksheet and a crossword... Something like that. :3 
AGAIN, I'm kinda bugging out because of all that's been going on.  I hope to get things going more fluidly when I have less work to do. 
So sorry, guys. 

- Elena

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Okay, here's a little update on what's going on:

  • Mr Nardone replied to me, and I plan on having a conversation with him either sometime this week or the following.  He said that he liked my idea and was willing to give me some advice! :3
  • I also got a reply from the Saratoga Tree Nursery, and they gave me contacts to both David Lee and Allen Nichols from the NYS Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation. (Ooooo~ that's exciting)
That's really all I have to say for now. School has been pretty busy lately, and SATs are next week.  
I hope to get back here again regularly soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Here's Something Interesting!


(I'm going to run out of these eventually and need new gifs lol)


  • Within the past few days I have emailed a Mr Enrico Nardone from the American Chestnut Foundation and am awaiting a response from him.  I asked him for some advice regarding tree purchases, planting, SUNY ESF membership, etc.
  • I have also contacted the Saratoga Tree Nursery with similar questions.
Okay, hello!

  The other day my mom linked me to some interesting articles via Facebook, and I thought I could possibly present them to you all here on my blog because they are somewhat related to my project, haha; so I figured that I would dedicate the next few blog posts to discussing them.
  Alright, the first one had to do with the Dutch Elm Disease, which is very similar to the chestnut blight.  The Tanners Pond Environmental Center actually has a Dutch Elm tree that I saw the last time I was there back in December.  My advisor showed it to me, and the tree itself had holes all over it, not from the disease but from this bird he referred to as a "sap-sucker" because it ate the tree's sap. Think of it like a woodpecker, almost:

This is the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
  Anyways, the Dutch Elm Disease is spread by a bug called the elm bark beetle (eww) which comes from Europe and not from Asia. The chestnut blight originated in Asia.  
The Dutch Elms, like the American Chestnut trees, have suffered major destruction in recent history due to this disease.     
SO, the article was one from the New York State Department of Conservation, and it essentially spoke about how moving firewood promoted the spreading of the disease and the bugs that cause them.  Why you may ask? 
Well, since most are spread by bugs, which are capable of moving from tree to tree, it wouldn't be smart to be moving infected logs around susceptible trees.  That's actually really important, if you think about it, considering that it's extremely valuable to the protection of certain trees from disease. 
This even applies to fungus diseases, like the chestnut blight. 

I don't know, I just thought this was related and wanted to share it.  

Actually, thinking about it again, this also was interesting because it reminds me of those signs you'll see all over town with the people on them that say things like: KEEP OFF THE GRASS FOR 24 HOURS.
  I was told that these were being used to treat for pesticides in the soil.  That, I suppose, is helpful in the protection of the grass as well as the trees.  
  For some reason, this also reminded of the Asian Longhorn Beetle... Which I will do another post about eventually since they just, kinda, came out of nowhere and are killing a lot of trees. 

I thought this was relevant
But then people just leave the signs there so you never know when you can actually step on the grass. I think they just do that to keep people away. Oh well.  They always bothered me, but now that I understand I actually think it's smart haha

Okie dokie.  Well, I guess I'll leave this entry off here since I don't have anything else to add. 

See you guys soon. c;

- Elena 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Let's Get Things Started


Okay, hello!
My name is Elena Fernández, and this blog will cover my journey to completing my Girl Scout Gold Award project! (woooo)
The project is titled Return of a Giving Tree-- The American Chestnut, and my main goal/idea with this is to bring back the American Chestnut Trees to my area and educate my community about the tree itself.
Look at how pretty they are:

I plan to obtain saplings from a grower (some resistant to the chestnut blight and others not) plant them and/or tend for them, and develop a curriculum to educate my community about the tree.  My community would include local schools, my own high school, fellow troops (whether they be Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts), and through events at the Arboretum.
I'm REALLY excited to get this going!

So far this is what I've done:

1. My project got approved last week with a total of 12 hours completed out of 80.
(yay :3  still have a ways to go)
2. I've recently emailed the Saratoga Tree Nursery because one of their members, Mr Dave Lee, is closely affiliated with the American Chestnut Foundation; so I asked him for some advice on where I should plant the trees, where I should get the trees from, and how to tend for them.
3. I've done research for my powerpoint/curriculum and developed it slightly.  I'm planning to make worksheets later this week.
4. I'm thinking of ways to fundraise the purchase of the trees because they are going to be relatively... Costly. (I found a package of SEEDS that was around $300, but the seedlings probably won't be more than that.)

ALSO, I found these really interesting pages on the trees: <-- I'm going to contact them about blight-resistant trees!
(I'll leave them here for your/my own reference)

I still have plenty to do and people to contact!

- Elena

P.S. I'll update as much as I can!