Guess who just obtained and planted her American Chestnut seeds??!?
If you guessed me then you are 110% correct! :3
My project advisor sent me the seeds that he had earlier purchased for this project in the mail; so, I received them yesterday and planted them today!! I'm very, very excited! This is essentially the one of the highlights of my project as of right now haha
I followed some instructions on the proper planting and care of the seeds. I put them in potting soil in decent sized pots, put them around 2-3 inches below the surface, covered them and intend to keep them in some sunlight (since they cannot be placed in direct sunlight at all times... Otherwise they'll get roasted... Get it? )
Here they are! |
The little cages we are putting around the pots are to keep squirrels and other little critters away from eating the seeds (they aren't very easy to get, as you now know!). Those aren't the finished ones- the finished ones look like this:
We basically just wrapped the other skeleton structures with chicken wire. Hopefully that will be effective enough at keeping little animals from eating them!!
Anyways, this is a huge step in making progress on the action part of my project. I plan to organize more presentations... I just hope that can be done before and after finals.
Talk to you guys again soon!